Cystic Fibrosis Racing Team – 34th Athens Classic Marathon 2016

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Cystic Fibrosis Racing Team – 34th Athens Classic Marathon 2016 HCFA TEAM November 12, 2016

Cystic Fibrosis Racing Team – 34th Athens Classic Marathon 2016

The Cystic Fibrosis Racing Team, with runners who are patients with Cystic Fibrosis, participates in the 34th Authentic Marathon, at 16.00 in the afternoon.

On the day of the Marathon Sunday 13/11 from 3.00 pm we will be waiting for you at Syntagma Square, at the fountain, to support and encourage our runners and to spread together a strong message: that in a serious disease patients dare “every breath to be one step closer to their dreams”!!!

Watch here the video of the participation of our Cystic Fibrosis Racing Team patients.