Admission to Higher Education without Exams
Since 1999, patients with Cystic Fibrosis can be admitted to Greek higher education institutions without exams at a rate of 5% over the number of admissions. For the access of candidates, dedicated committees in public hospitals issue Certificates of Diagnosis of Disease, in which the disease is indicated with its corresponding code. Code 14 corresponds to Cystic Fibrosis. More on the website of the Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs here.
Qualifying Examinations for Privately Taught Students
According to the legislation, students suffering from Cystic Fibrosis who interrupt their studies because of their illness, which requires a long hospital or home stay, can be classified as home-schooled.
This means that they may be referred to a written qualifying examination for promotion or graduation.
The condition must be such that the condition does not preclude private tuition and study and that the lessons in each class corresponding to the full school year are taught by a legally qualified teacher.
More information can be found here.
Transferring Students
Students of universities in the country who suffer from cystic fibrosis and who have been admitted to higher education without an examination in the category of serious illnesses exceeding 5% of the number of admissions, can submit an online application for transfer/movement. Students are entitled to transfer to the city where their parents or guardians declare their permanent residence or to the city where they receive medical care, with no limit on the percentage of the total number of admissions.
Students who have parents, children, siblings or spouses with CF will be entitled to a one-point reduction in their ranking with other candidates for transfer.
The transfer of students is subject to the existence of an agreement between the departments, in accordance with the relevant decision of the Ministry of Education, and to the academic operation of the transferring department in the corresponding year of study with the department of origin.
Applications for transfer are made electronically and those interested can visit the special applications at https://transfer.it.minedu.gov . gr (or via the website of the Ministry of Education) in order to submit their application electronically. To access the relevant online application, applicants must use the username and password provided by the secretariat of their school or department for the electronic services of the institution they attend.