Recruitment in the public sector
According to Law 2643/98, notices for positions in the public sector are published nationwide for those patients with a disability rate of 50%, as well as for those who have a child, brother or sister or spouse with a disability rate of 67% or more. For more information on the notices for the beneficiaries of Law 2643/98 here or at the Regional Directorates of DYPA (formerly OAED).
Unemployment card DYPA
Patients with Cystic Fibrosis, who are not working and have a disability rate of at least 50%, are entitled to be issued an Unemployment Card for disabled persons at the Labour Offices for Special Social Groups and at the local competent Services of the DYPA (formerly OAED) here
With the card the beneficiary can benefit from the provisions of Law 2643/98 for public sector employment, as well as participate in training and employment programmes aimed at people belonging to Special Social Groups. The card is valid for the duration of the certified disability of the unemployed disabled person and does not need to be renewed at regular intervals, as is the case for other unemployed persons.
Recruitment of doctors & health professionals
Cystic Fibrosis patients who are graduates of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Professions Schools can apply for appointment to any hospital or Health Centre of the National Health Service (Ν. 5007/2022; Government Gazette Vol. A’ 241/23.12.2022, article 61 following an amendment to par. 1 article 15 of Art. 2920/2001).
Doctors and dentists in temporary and temporary posts, and all other specialities in temporary posts in their speciality, established by the appointment decision.
In the Schools of Health Professions, A.E.I. or T.E.I. or T.E.E. are classified as nurses, medical laboratory technologists, social workers, physiotherapists, pharmacists, psychologists and biologists, chemists and biochemists, dieticians and nutritionists, food and nutrition technologists, opticians, orthoptists (optometrists), speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, dental technicians, radiographers/radiographers, physicists/radiophysicists, medical physicists, health visitors, midwives/ midwives, nursery nurses and public and community health graduates.
Also, as regards doctors suffering from Cystic Fibrosis, they have the right to practise their speciality in hospitals or clinics of their choice and are not obliged to work in the field.
(Ν. 2071/1992 – Government Gazette A123, article 82, Law 3918/2011 – Government Gazette A’ 31, article 67 )
Reduced working hours
Public Sector
All employees of the State, N.P.D.D. and O.T.A., who are persons with a disability rate of 67% and above or have children with a disability rate of 67% and above or have a spouse with a disability rate of 100% whom they support, are entitled to reduced working hours by one (1) hour per day, without a corresponding reduction in their salaries. (Government Gazette 263/A/23-12-2008 (Article 30, par. 8, Ν.3731/2008)
Public employees who have a spouse with a disability of 80% or more, whom they support, are entitled to reduced working hours by one (1) hour per day, without a corresponding reduction in their salaries. (Government Gazette 237/31-10-2014 (article 27, Law 4305/2014 )
Military personnel and military judges of the Armed Forces, who have or care for a child or spouse with a physical disability if the disability is at least 67%, are also entitled to reduced working hours without a corresponding reduction in pay. (Government Gazette A’ 143, Article 9, Law 3257/2004)
Private sector
Parents with children suffering from Cystic Fibrosis, who work in a company employing at least 50 people, have the right to request for each child to reduce their working hours by one (1) hour per day, with a corresponding reduction in their wages. (Government Gazette A’ 101, Article 41, Ν.4808/2021)
Public Sector
Teleworking due to health problems may not exceed a total of 88 days per calendar year, while in exceptional cases, following a specially reasoned opinion of the Health Committee, teleworking may be granted for a continuous period of 88 working days. The detailed procedure and all the documents required for teleworking in the public sector herePrivate sector
The duration of teleworking will not exceed three months, with the possibility of a review to continue teleworking after three months if there is still a documented risk to the worker’s health. The new framework for teleworking in the public and private sectors will apply from 1 January 2023. The detailed procedure and all the documents required for teleworking in the private sector here.Leaves
Public Sector
Public Employees with a disability rate of 50% or more are entitled to six (6) working days of paid leave each calendar year in addition to their regular leave. Civil servants who suffer from or have a spouse or child suffering from Cystic Fibrosis and needing periodic hospitalisation are also entitled to special paid leave up to 22 working days per year. (Government Gazette A’ 26/9-2-2007, article 50, Law 3528/2007, see here the steps of the procedure)
Civil servants may also have their sick leave doubled after a relevant opinion that their illness is classified as a serious illness (Government Gazette A’ 26/9-2-2007, Article 54, Law 3528/2007)
Private sector
In the private sector special parental leave of up to ten (10) days per year with pay for the parents of patients up to 18 years of age with a disability rate of 67% or more, who suffer from rare diseases, including Cystic Fibrosis, and those who need a transplant (Government Gazette A’ 28/22.02.2022, article 24, Law 4892/2022)