Cystic fibrosis (CF) It’s the most common inherited disease of the caucasians and one of the most common rare diseases. 1 in 2,000-2,500 children are born with CF. When both parents are carriers of CF there is a 25% chance that they will have a child with CF. It’ s a chronic and multisystemic disease, mainly affecting the lungs and pancreas. Since the diagnosis (usually in infancy), CF patients and their families face a difficult daily life. A patient with CF needs about 3-4 hours for him/her daily treatments. The double lung transplant is the only survival option for the CF patients who are in respiratory failure.
In this page you will find information about the symptoms and frequency of the disease, how it is inherited, prevention, diagnosis and neonatal screening, treatments and lung transplantation, specialized CF centers in Greece, as well as many other useful information about Cystic Fibrosis.