Cystic Fibrosis requires constant, regular monitoring by qualified doctors at a Cystic Fibrosis Centre at least every 3 months. With the appropriate medical monitoring of patients by organised centres for the treatment of the disease, which operate with a special team surrounded by specialised doctors of various specialities (CF team) and experienced nursing staff, the quality of life of patients can be improved, as well as the improvement of their health, better prognosis and longer survival. The majority of patients are treated in the major centres in Athens and Thessaloniki, while a small number of patients are treated in regional hospitals.
CF Centers in Athens
Agia Sofia" Children's Hospital (Children)
tel. 2132013761, cfcenter@paidon-agiasofia.gr
The Cystic Fibrosis Unit has been operating since 1961. In 1987 it joined the NHS as an independent department. It is the largest pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Center in Greece and monitors more than 300 children with Cystic Fibrosis. Patients are monitored regularly with visits to the Department’s outpatient clinics every 1-3 months. A small number of children are also admitted to the hospital each month.
The department is staffed by the doctors Mrs.Loukou Ioanna (Director of the Department), Mrs.Petrochilou Argyri, Mrs.Moustaki Maria, Mrs.Zarkada Ioanna.
"Sismanoglio" General Hospital of Athens (Adults)
Tel.: +30 213-2058408 (Secretary- Appointment) Monday-Friday 11:00-15:00, +30 213 2058342 (CF Unit & Emergencies), cystic@sismanoglio.gr
The adult CF Unit monitors CF patients since 1997. It’s the largest Unit in Greece for the treatment and follow-up of adult patients with Cystic Fibrosis, where about 300 CF patients are monitored. The Unit is in a separate area and consists of doctors’ offices and ten single clinic rooms. With donations from the Panhellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association, the wards have been equipped with televisions, small refrigerators and static bicycles.
The Department is staffed by the Head of the Unit, Mrs Diamantea Filia, Lung Specialist, Director of the NHS and Mrs Christakakakou Athina, Lung Specialist, Staff Physician. B’ NHS.
CF Centers in Thessaloniki
“Hippokratio” Children’s Hospital in Thessaloniki (Children)
tel. 2310892435, pedresp.gpaid@gmail.com
It serves more than 116 children with Cystic Fibrosis, both in outpatient and inpatient care and hospitalization. The children are followed up in predetermined visits every three months in a special outpatient clinic that operates every Tuesday and have the possibility of free admission to the clinic if they show a deterioration in their health. Also children with permanent pseudomonas colonisation are regularly hospitalised for intravenous treatment. In many cases the Cystic Fibrosis Nurse educates parents on home care for these cases. Supportive physiotherapy and training is provided by physiotherapists.
The responsible physician of the Department is Hatziagorou Elpida, Associate Professor of Pediatrics – Pediatric Pulmonology, AUTH.
Papageorgiou General Hospital of Thessaloniki (Children)
It serves about 30 patients with Cystic Fibrosis from Northern Greece.
The responsible physician of the Department is Mrs. Maria Fotoulaki, Professor of Pediatric Gastroenterology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Γ. Papanikolaou General Hospital of Thessaloniki (Adults)
tel. 2313307858, cfkistiki@gmail.com
It has been operating for 15 years in the framework of the Pulmonology-Tuberculology Clinic of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and is the only adult Cystic Fibrosis monitoring centre in the North of Greece. Greece, as well as one of the two organised adult centres in Greece. More than 60 adult patients with Cystic Fibrosis from all over Northern Greece, from Evros to Epirus, are currently being treated in the hospital. The number of patients of the Centre increases significantly every year, as more than 30 adult patients are gradually transferred to the Centre, who are treated in the paediatric Cystic Fibrosis departments of Papageorgiou and Hippocrates in Thessaloniki.
The Department is staffed by the Head of the Department of the Centre Ms. Katerina Manika, Ms. Professor of Pulmonology and the pulmonologists Mrs Chatzimitrova, Mrs Papadaki Eleni, Mrs Sionidou.
Cystic Fibrosis Centers
Attikon University General Hospital (Children's)
tel. 210 5832044, fax: 2105832229, tel. for appointments: 1535 (code 06881), opening hours: 09.00-14.00, location of the Clinic: ground floor, days of operation of the Outpatient Clinics (except on-call days of the Hospital) : Monday
Since 2013, the opening of a Cystic Fibrosis clinic in the Pediatric Pulmonology Unit of the C. Pediatric Clinic of the Attikon General Hospital, where a small number of children with Cystic Fibrosis are monitored by Mr. Konstantinos Duros, Pediatric Pulmonologist – Pediatric Allergist, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, in collaboration with the Cystic Fibrosis Department of Children – St. Sophia.
University General Hospital of Heraklion, Crete (Children & Adults)
In cooperation with the C.I. Centers in Athens and Thessaloniki,11 adult patients are attendedat the outpatient clinic of Cystic Fibrosis every Thursday by the responsible physician, Mr. George Pitsidianakis, Director of the NHS Pulmonology and a number of children with C.I. by pediatrician Mr. Emmanuel Paraskakis.
University General Hospital of Patras (Children's)
9 children with CF are monitored in the outpatient clinic by the responsible physician, Mr. Konstantinos Bolis, Director of the NHS Pediatrics, in cooperation with the CF Centers in Athens and Thessaloniki.
University General Hospital of Larissa (Adults)
The CF Clinic is officially operating at the University Hospital of Larissa from November 2022, every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month, with the responsible doctors Mrs. Karetsi Eleni and Mrs. Perlepe Garyfallia-Irini. 8 patients will be monitored in the clinic. Appointments can be made by contacting the secretary’s office at 2413501179. 2413501179.