The Hellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association (HCFA) is a non-profit association of patients. It was founded in 1983 in Athens and represents Cystic Fibrosis patients and their families nationwide.
The Association plays a leading role in the support of patients with Cystic Fibrosis in every corner of the country, aiming at the unified and dynamic representation of all patients with Cystic Fibrosis at a national level. The Board of Directors is composed of patients and parent-caregivers from the Cystic Fibrosis Centers at the Children’s Hospitals-Agia Sophia, Sismanoglio, Hippocrates Hospital of Thessaloniki, Papanikolaou Hospital, as well as the Lung Transplant Monitoring Center at Attica Hospital.
It is one of the oldest patient associations in Greece. During its 41 years of operation, it has managed to change the “map” of the disease in Greece. Through the collective effort of all its members, it improves the quality of life of patients and ensures their active participation in decisions and actions concerning their health and rights.
The Association is registered in the Greek National Registry of Non- Profit Private Sector Social Care Agency and in the Greek Registry of Voluntary Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOs).
The Association is a founding member of the Greek Patients Association and the Rare Diseases Greece (RDG) and it’s a member and representative of Greek CF community in European organizations.
Members of the Board of Directors

Anna Spinou
Anna Spinou
President of the Hellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association
Anna Spinou is a patient with Cystic Fibrosis. She was diagnosed at the age of six months and is being monitored in the Adult CF Unit of Sismanioglio Hospital.
She is a graduate of the Department of Organization & Business Administration of the Athens University of Economics and Business Administration and holds the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English and Sorbonne II diplomas. She is a public pensioner after 15 years of service in the Administrative Department of the Attikon University General Hospital in Athens.
She is committed to the values of the Association, as her father was one of the 24 founding members of the Hellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association. She has served as President of the Hellenic Association since 2018, and as a Board Member of the Eurordis- Rare Diseases Europe since May 2023. She is a patient expert, graduating from the European Patients' Academy European Patients' Academy (EUPATI) fellow.
She has previously served as:
- President and Member of the Board of Directors of the Rare Diseases Greece for the period 2021-2023
- Secretary General of the Hellenic Federation of Rare Disease Associations (EOS-SPANOPA) during the period 2017-2019
- General Secretary of the Hellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association during the period 2015-2017
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association during the period 2003- 2005
Representing Cystic Fibrosis patients in Greece, she participates in working groups and meetings of the European organizations CF Europe, Eurordis, ELF, ESOT-ETPO (European Transplant Patient Organisations).
Through her personal experience as a patient and her many years of participation in the Boards of Directors of patient associations as a recognized patient expert, combined with her knowledge as a former health care worker, she has an excellent knowledge of the issues concerning patients with Cystic Fibrosis and patients with rare diseases.

Constantina Giannaki
Vice President
Constantina Giannaki
General Secretary of the Hellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association
Konstantina Giannaki is the mother of a boy who suffers from Cystic Fibrosis and is being treated at the CF Department of the Aghia Sophia Children's Hospital.
She studied Marketing at Deree College and holds a Michigan Certificate of Proficiency in English. She works at the Hellenic American Union.
She is a member of the Hellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association since 2016. Since 2019 she has been offering her services to the Board of Directors, having taken over the secretarial support of the Association. Since 2021, she has been elected General Secretary of the Association, providing important services in promoting the activities of the Association.

George Plala
Secretary General
George Plala
Secretary General of the Panhellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association
George Plala is the father of a 9-year-old boy with Cystic Fibrosis who is being treated at the Aghia Sophia Children's Hospital and knows first-hand the challenges of the disease and the concerns of parents.
He holds a degree in Business Administration from Hertfordshire University-London and an Advanced Diploma in Marketing from City College London. She has excellent knowledge of English and French (B1 level). She works in the private sector in an accreditation company.
Since 2018, she has been actively involved in all the Association's activities and has taken important initiatives to defend the rights of Cystic Fibrosis patients and support them.

Nadia Proga
Nadia Proga
Treasurer of the Hellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association
Nadia Proga is a mother of two children suffering from Cystic Fibrosis and is being treated at the CF Department of the Aghia Sophia Children's Hospital.
She has studied graphic design and holds a Lower Certificate in English, and runs a business in the centre of Athens.
She actively participates in the promotion of the objectives of the Hellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association and since 2013 she has been the Treasurer of the Association, offering services in the handling of the procedures of the financial department.

Christos Bakodimos
Rev. Secretary
Christos Bakodimos
Deputy Secretary of the Panhellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association
Christos Bakodimos is the father of a boy who suffers from Cystic Fibrosis and is being treated in the CF department of the Aghia Sophia Children's Hospital. He lives in Athens and works as a salesman.
He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Panhellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association since 2018.
He has actively contributed to the implementation of the Association's actions and events, supporting its work with dedication.

Despina Gini
Rev. Treasurer
Despina Gini
Deputy Treasurer of the Panhellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association
Despina Gini was born in 1986 in Thessaloniki, where she grew up and lives permanently. Her mother comes from Sykia in Halkidiki and her father from Serres. She is married and the mother of a 9-year-old boy.
As a Cystic Fibrosis patient, he is monitored by the doctors of the C.I. Department of the Papanikolaou Hospital in Thessaloniki.
She is a graduate of the Department of Early Childhood Education and Education of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Kindergarten teacher). In the past she has worked in playgrounds and has taken care of children, but due to her health condition, she is not working at the moment. She has good computer skills.
She actively participates in the activities of the Association representing patients with Cystic Fibrosis residing in Northern Greece.

Marilena Tsentidou
Member of the Board
Marilena Tsentidou
Member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association
Marilena Tsentidou is a patient with Cystic Fibrosis and is being treated at the C.I. Center of the Sismano Hospital.
He has studied accounting and speaks German and English. She has previously worked in a family business. After the birth of her son she moved to Cyprus 27 years ago. A few years later health reasons made it necessary for her to return to Greece where she still resides today.
In recent years he has been involved in an innovative technique for Greece in the production and decoration of biscuits. Recently she started studying at the University of Athens.
She has been President of the Association since 2003 and has in-depth knowledge of the needs of Cystic Fibrosis patients and the challenges they face.
Alternate Board Members

Melina Tiglianidou
Rev. Board Member
Melina Tiglianidou
Rev. Member of the Board of Directors of the Panhellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association
Melina Tiglianidou is a patient with Cystic Fibrosis and is being treated at the C.I. Department of the Hippocratic Hospital of Thessaloniki.
She is a graduate of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, specializing in Agricultural Economics, and has a very good knowledge of English. She is currently working as an agronomist in the Regional Unit of Halkidiki, in Polygyros.
As a patient with personal experience, he has developed a deep understanding of the challenges that accompany the disease.
In recent years, she has provided substantial support to the Association's activities that promote the well-being and empowerment of the community of patients with C.I., representing patients from Northern Greece.

Stella Georgaki
Rev. Board Member
Stella Georgaki
Rev. Member of the Board of Directors of the Panhellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association
Stella Georgaki is a patient with Cystic Fibrosis. She has undergone two lung transplants and is being monitored at the transplant centre at Attiko Hospital.
She is a 4th year student of the Department of Graphic Design and Visual Communication at the University of West Attica. She speaks English and German, as well as Adobe design programs.
She has actively participated in activities of the Panhellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association, such as the campaign "Breathe Unlimited Breath - Be a Life Donor" for the promotion of organ donation.
He has an in-depth knowledge of the needs of transplant patients. Through her membership of the Association she gives a voice to transplant patients with Cystic Fibrosis and highlights the problems they face.

Maria Paliou
Rev. Member of the Board.
Maria Paliou
Rev. Member of the Board of Directors of the Panhellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association
Maria Paliou suffers from Cystic Fibrosis and is being monitored in the Adult CF Unit of the Cismanoglio Hospital. She lives in Athens and has a son.
He has been an active member of the Association for over a decade. She has done important work for patients, together with her late brother Vassilis Palios, the General Secretary of the Association until 2021.
She has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Panhellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association from 2012 to 2015 and from 2021 she continues to offer her services to the Association with dedication.
Our Partners

Stavroula Rakitzi
Volunteer Psychotherapy Group Coordinator
Stavroula Rakitzi
Volunteer Coordinator of Psychotherapy Groups K.I.
Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Stavroula Rakitzi is a licensed psychologist. She studied psychology at the Georg August University of Göttingen in Germany, where she specialized in Clinical Psychology. She holds the European Diploma of Psychology. He was trained in Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy in Athens at the Institute for Behavioural Research and Therapy according to the criteria of the European Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies. She completed her doctoral studies at the University of Koblenz-Landau in Germany in Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy.
She has been working as a psychologist since 2001 and as a freelancer since 2003. She is a trainer and supervisor of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy in her private practice. She is in charge of research protocols on the effectiveness of combining pharmacotherapy and specialized psychotherapy for patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia in her private practice.
She has participated as a speaker in national and international conferences. He is the author of articles and books. He is a member of the Hellenic Society for Behavioral Research and Therapy (www.eees.gr), the Association of German-speaking Psychologists BDP (www.bdp.org) and the American Psychological Association (APA).
Since 2022 Stavroula Rakitsi has been volunteering to coordinate the cognitive behavioural psychotherapy groups of the Panhellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association for Cystic Fibrosis patients and caregivers.

Eleni Saltouridou
Cystic Fibrosis Helpline Manager
Eleni Saltouridou
Helpline Manager "Unlimited Breath"
Eleni Saltouridou is a licensed Social Worker and an active member of the Association of Social Workers of Greece. She studied Social Work at the Democritus University of Thrace.
Her work experience started in 2017 in camps with refugee population in Northern Greece being on the front line of reception. Since 2019, the population she worked with was mainly unaccompanied minors and people with special needs. She has worked in the Direct Access Care of O.KA.NA. providing counselling, empowerment services, therapeutic groups, accompaniment, etc. She is currently working as an external collaborator in a Municipality for children and their families, while during the years of her professional career so far, she has worked with various NGOs and Organizations both in Thessaloniki and in Athens.
From April 2024 Eleni Saltouridou offers counselling, empowerment and psychosocial support services at the Cystic Fibrosis Helpline "Unlimited Breath".

Rena Pavlidi
Cystic Fibrosis Hotline volunteer
Irene Pavlidi
"Unlimited Breath" Helpline volunteer
Rena Pavlidi is a Psychology graduate of the University of East London.
She works at the IASIS AMKE day centre, providing psychological support to groups of the clinical population. She also works privately as a mental health counsellor, helping people with anxiety, depression and other issues.
Since the beginning of 2025 Rena Pavlidi has been volunteering her services to the Cystic Fibrosis Helpline "Unlimited Breath".

Dionysis Chionis
Legal Advisor
Dionysis Chionis
Legal Advisor
Dionysis Chionis is a lawyer before the Supreme Court, a graduate of the Law School of the University of Athens with a postgraduate degree in Criminal Sciences (specialization in Criminology) from the same School. In addition to practicing law, he collaborates with the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Lifelong Learning Center) as a Lecturer-Author and Instructor in Criminology training programs, and is President and founding member of the Center for the Study of Crime. He is a scientific collaborator of the publishing house "Nomiki Bibliothiki" and the legal information technology company "Nomotelia".
He has been a scientific collaborator of the Laboratory of Criminal and Criminological Research of the Law School of the University of Athens, a legal advisor of the NGO "Epanodosis" for the social reintegration of released prisoners, as well as a member of the Board of Directors of the NGO.P.I.D. "Research Centre for Equality Issues", Associate Professor of Criminology at the Academy of Officers of the Hellenic Police and regular professor of law courses at I.E.K.
He has participated in forensic research projects of the University of Athens and has taken part as a national expert in research projects and projects of the European Commission and the Council of Europe.
His articles and studies have been published in Greek and international scientific journals, he has participated as an author in collective works on criminal law and criminology and has presented numerous papers at scientific conferences.
Scientific Committee
The Panhellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association is supported by a Scientific Committee, which consists of scientists specialized in Cystic Fibrosis from all hospitals in Greece, where patients are monitored and treated.
The mission of the Scientific Committee is to support and advise the Board of Directors on medical and other related issues, aiming at the scientific establishment and medical documentation of the positions and actions of the Association.
- Chanakas Ioannis, Professor Emeritus of Pediatric Pulmonology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Coordinator of the Working Group of the National Cystic Fibrosis Registry of the Ministry of Health
- Diamantea Filia, Pulmonologist, Head of the Cystic Fibrosis Unit for Adults, Sismanoglio General Hospital, Athens
- Manika Aikaterini, Associate Professor of Pulmonology and Pneumology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Head of adult Cystic Fibrosis Centre, Pulmonology Clinic of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, General Hospital "G. Papanikolaou", Thessaloniki
- Loukou Ioanna, MD, MSc, PhD, Pediatrician-Pediatric Pulmonologist, Head of Cystic Fibrosis Center, Aghia Sophia Children's Hospital, Athens
- Petrochilou Argyri, Pediatrician - Pediatric Pulmonologist, Cystic Fibrosis Center, Aghia Sophia Children's Hospital, Athens
- Hatziagorou Elpida, MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatric Pediatric Pulmonology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), Head of the Cystic Fibrosis Unit, 3rd Pediatric Clinic, General Hospital "Hippokratio"
- Fotoulaki Maria, MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics and Pediatric Gastroenterology, Director of the 4th Pediatric Clinic, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, "Papageorgiou" Hospital, Thessaloniki, Head of the Cystic Fibrosis Unit of the Interdisciplinary Cystic Fibrosis Center of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Pitsidianakis Georgios, Director Pulmonology Department, Head of the CF adult Unit, University General Hospital of Heraklion, Crete
- Emmanuel Paraskakis, An. Professor of Pediatrics, University of Crete, Head of the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic for Children, University General Hospital of Heraklion, Crete (PEPAGNI)
- Konstantinos Bolis, Coordinating Director of the Pediatric, Head of the Pediatric CF Unit, University General Hospital of Patras
- Karetsi Eleni, Pulmonologist, Director of Pulmonology Clinic of the University of Thessaly, Head of the CF Adult Unit, University General Hospital of Larissa
- Perlepe Garifallia-Eirini, Pulmonologist, Doctor of the University of Thessaly, Department of Medicine, Pulmonology Clinic of the University of Thessaly, Head of the Adult C.I. Clinic, University General Hospital of Larissa
- Tsagaris Hercules, Professor of Pulmonology - Intensive Care at the University of Athens, Director of the Attikon Intensive Care Clinic, Scientific Director of the Lung Transplantation Center of the Onassis Cardiosurgical Center
- Theodoropoulos Fotis, Lung Transplantation Centre, Lung Transplantation Centre, Onassis Heart Surgery Centre
- Themistoklis Hamogeorgakis, Director of the B' Cardiac Surgery Department, Head of the Cardiac Surgeon of the Heart - Lung Transplantation Unit & Mechanical Support of the Lung Transplantation Center of Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center